05 December 2009

Dream Last Night

Last night I had a dream that seriously made me trip out when I woke up. I dreamt waking up at Tyson's place back home, like I was just stopping over from France. Had a casual morning, got ready, some friends came over for lunch, then I realized that I had to go back to Paris and I wondered why so much of my stuff was at his place, like tons of random stuff. I had also driven to his place, from who knows where. I started to trip out in the dream when I had to get back to Paris, how was I getting back there? Plane, driving, when??? hahahaa. I was convinced I drove to his place lol.

Freaky part though was when I woke up here, I seriously had no idea where I was. Came to, oh I'm actually in Paris...didn't take a late night trip back to San Diego to say hi. haha.

Random, but I felt like blogging.

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