Once again, taking public transportation never fails to be entertaining. Like the San Diego trolley, the Paris métro and RER system always has it’s fair share of weirdoes and crazy people who like to talk to anyone who will listen. Most of the time you can push them off with a simple ‘non merci’ and a wave of the hand to go away. Normally yes. Then there are the people who lovvvve to talk about anything. These ones are the best, as long as they seem harmless. Last night we were riding the metro back home from being at a few bars that night. Group of about 10 of us having a really good time coming home from a grand night out in Paris. First…we were sitting there chatting away when we heard what sounded like a waterfall in the area by the doors. We all look over and this drunk ass guy is puking his guts out…seriously like a waterfall. Everyone on the metro was like ‘ahhhhhhh nonnnnn’ and we all migrated down the train to another car in case it started to smell. OMG so gross. Thanks for dirtying the metro for the rest of the world and the poor soul who has to clean it up later when the metro is being inspected at the station. Our next encounter (same night) was this arab guy who was SOOOOO chatty with our friend Johana (who entertains most conversations….hilarious to watch by the way), then he wanted to know all about us, where we were from, what we were doing, etc. Such a funny train ride home. This guy talked all shorts of crap like france, politics, the US, ethnicites (I told him I was Russian), socialism, Paris…oh man, the topics were endless. It was great. Then he got reeeaaaaalllllly annoying because Georgina wouldn’t let him kiss her cheeks and he kept telling her she wasn’t cute. Hahaha. He also kept telling me how lucky I am to roll with so many ‘belles filles’ (pretty girls).. haha. I responded…well, I guess I just have that charm. So great. The guy got off at his stop (far before ours…thankfully) and he waved to us as the metro zoomed onward. Pretty much the night ended on a great note of hilarity and laughter. Always the best way to end a night out with friends.

Right now I am in my Entrepreneurship class talking about cash flows of a case study we are working on today. BLAH. The professor is really nice and knowledgeable, but yeah….financial statements aren’t exactly my favorite past time. Needless to say, I chose to write emails and a blog instead.
Just got a really wonderful package in the mail from my parents today..full of fun really nice gifts to remind me of home and make my room more like home. Finally got the new 32G iPod Touch which is GREAT, I am loving it already and it’s only a few hours old. Thanks Mom and Dad <3
I hope all is well back in San Diego, and wherever you are reading this…
This Saturday is Halloween and I am really missing the US Halloween culture. It doesn’t exist here in France. … SO LAME! Halloween is my favorite holiday (close tie with Christmas) so quite a bummer not dressing up and going to downtown San Diego. Next year for sure though =)
So have a great and spooky Halloween this Saturday, have fun, be safe, and take lots of pictures so I can see and show my international friends to show them how we do Halloween.
Much love from Paris
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