All in all it was a wonderful night of good friends, good music, and most of all, good food! The best part about everyone being from so many different parts of the world is we all love to share things about where we came from. Being from SoCal, Latin food is a part of my life for sure. Having so many international friends is exciting because now they are welcome to come visit San Diego and I will be more than thrilled to be their tour guide! As well as us traveling the world. We now have so many friends who are willing to host us and show us a good time. It is wonderful. We are actually planing a trip with our friend Veronika to her home country of Slovakia to party it up. She is our local guide and says we will love it. I am excited to travel. I have a lot of time off between classes and it will be great to see the rest of Europe. For fall break we are planning a trip to Athens then to a Greek island, then to Barcelona, then to Madrid for Dia de los Muertos (HALLOWEEN!!!), then back to Paris. It is all so insanely cheap to fly, how can we
not take advantage of all the opportunities while we are here???
My birthday as you know is right around the corner...on the 17th, just 3 days away!!! I can't believe I will be turning 22. A whole year, lots of drinks, and good memories since being 21. Send me a bday postcard in the mail! =) Even though email is super easy and convenient, getting something in the mail is always so exciting.
Take care everyone!
Much love from Paris

My birthday as you know is right around the corner...on the 17th, just 3 days away!!! I can't believe I will be turning 22. A whole year, lots of drinks, and good memories since being 21. Send me a bday postcard in the mail! =) Even though email is super easy and convenient, getting something in the mail is always so exciting.
Take care everyone!
Much love from Paris
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