Saying Paris is unlike any other city is really quite the understatement. For someone to ask me: tell me about something you can do in Paris that you would never be able to do in San really such a ludicrous question for me. It may sound fairly easy to answer, though I hear this question and my mind begins to buzz, so much so that I am lost for words. I could tell you the most obvious aspects of Paris such as the Louvre, seeing the Tour Eiffel, going to mass at the 2,000 year old Notre Dame, etc...

Though aside from all these grand monuments, one can go deeper and see the wonderful boulangeries, salons du thé, wine boutiques, butchers, open air markets, even riding the métro...But for me. Paris is more of a feeling, a feeling that brings me alive, something that San Diego was never able to do for me. Paris holds for me not just the monuments and delights that litter tourist books, but the French themselves, their beautiful language, their joie de vivre, their sense of style ad effortless sophistication. So much of what I really love about my life in Paris really comes down to my love for the French, their culture, their lifestyle, even down to their little quirks and moodiness. Life surrounded by the French could never be possible in San Diego. Yes, a few friends I might be lucky to meet, amazing francophone professors and acquaintances, but never in the way I do now here in their...well, natural habitat =)

Paris has given me what I have always longed for from day one of French 100A class back in Freshman year of University: to one day speak French and find French friends that could really connect with me, not just as "the American student", but as their fellow Parisian. I have come so far since Freshman year of college; my year abroad in Europe has really made the biggest impact on my life and who I am today thus far. Thank you Paris, I think I turned out alright! ;)
The quote is true, "Paris is a movable feast" and I truly am a young man, lucky enough to have it forever a part of my life. Today's blog topic is really something I cannot put on paper in one entry. Since arriving in August, each entry is something I could never do or experience in San Diego. Ahhhhh, I can't even stress enough how unique and amazing Paris is! I honestly lose my words! Something that renders me speechless is truly beautiful! As we all know, I am never short on words hahahaha!
Paris is a world I hope all of you will experience in your life for it is a place that you will never forget.
Just a fun little list that I came up with with things that you could never do in San Diego (or have a HARD time finding):
-Champagne tasting in the place it came from
-Hear French around you all the time
-Eat a warm crispy baguette
-Have the #1 Fashion Weeks in the world right down the street from your home
-See paparazzi almost daily on the streets
-Have a late night crêpe after a bar: Œuf, jambon, et fromage s'il vous plaît!
-Spend an evening in an absinthe bar
-Have cider in a French village where it is made
-Dress with great style each day, even just to go check the mail
-Take a flight for less than 10€
-Take a train that goes 250m/h
-Never have to drive
-Pic-nic at Marie-Antoinette's Village
-Club and dance until 8am
-Hear the best DJs in the world
--!! French Electronica is my LIFE
-Sit at on café's terrace for 3-4 hours people watching with your espresso and cigarette
-See a protest AT LEAST once a week, sometimes more
-Sit on ancient stone steps having a drink with friends
-See a girl with a neck brace in crutches, STILL wearing her stilettos (my favorite!!! haha!)
-Window shop everywhere (America is too much of a Mall culture, sad!)
-Coat check at ALL clubs, bars, and restaurants. Amazing!!
-Almost every man and boy age 12+ being fashionable and it being the norm.
-Clothes always smelling like smoke when you get home and it not bothering you haha
-3 hour dinners with four courses being the norm
-French men's suit tailoring...I DIE! So amazing.
-High heels for women and dress shoes for men (with a small heel, always!) being their everyday wear shoes.
-Sparkling water everywhere.
-Wine being cheap and served at any time of the day....
These are just a few of mannnnny things I wrote down about France in general. Things that I really notice and appreciate. France is my home now and I never want to leave. The day I fly home will be a happy moment too see all my friends and family that I have missed so much. But my heart will always long for Paris and the people I have met here in a way that no other place can compare. I will soon return to Paris, I know it from the bottom of my heart.